Defining What Are Objectively Reasonable Responses to Resistance & Aggression
The mission of Response to Resistance is to support the public safety community and keep citizens safe by establishing a national guideline for responses to resistance, assault and aggression.
So often the term “Use Of Force,” is perceived negatively within communities. Learn how RTR can prepare your public safety department and rewrite this perception.
The men and women of law enforcement, corrections, and the military are required to use force to establish or maintain control in hostile situations. But, what type of force is reasonable in these confrontations?
Let RTR assist your public safety entity by implementing guidelines on what constitutes reasonable responses to various types of resistive and/or aggressive situations.

Meet Sam Faulkner
With over 30 years of experience in the public safety community, Sam Faulkner brings unparalleled knowledge. He believes that it is the public safety department’s responsibility to protect and serve citizens in a way that is deemed reasonable by the general public. Sam developed the Response to Resistance survey to capture the public’s point-of-view in an effort to develop national guidelines for what constitute reasonable responses to resistance and aggression. At this point, the only mandate for use of force comes from The Supreme Court, which said that we must act objectively reasonably. Take the survey and tell us what this means to you!

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